Tag: heads
janus 2010
from: the devil’s rope journal + janus + _thing source files: janus2010_CS3.fla or janus2010_fl8.fla (2.9MB)
siftings for arja
from: rockbox + janus
address unknown
from: [e]mailart [ first editions ] + cogignition + comment #11349 + GhouLs source files: emailartstamps-CS3.fla or emailartstamps-fl8.fla (flash 8 version)
left head start – – – – – – – right head stop from: _thing + double trouble flash source: janus-2fl8.fla (1.5.mb)
from: _thing + headgap [ unbecoming? ] + comment + culpae + comment + The Silent Toast + bacillus anthracis + scratchysplatOnji-X + Onji-X flash source: headmesh8.fla (724 kb)
double trouble
from: carmen’s comment + headgap + _thing flash source: double.fla (1.2mb) [tags]avatar, doppelganger, stand-in[/tags]
from: _thing + text-image.com flash source: headgap.fla (4mb)
used to be big
we had faces and nice moves, it’s the pictures that got small flash source: i_am_big_.fla [tags]flash,sunset boulevard,gloria swanson,dance,audio[/tags]