Tag: flashpo
e2 (curiosa version)
from: e2 (poem never written) + surviving [ curiosa ] fla source: e2.fla
xWish card
from: Notes Noir + xmas card + StoneFaceSea
+ Melanie Wilks sculpture source: StonefaceSea-AS3-CS4.fla (8.1MB)
bookish stones
from: bookish version 1.3 + Tailspin + various assertions found online source fla: bookishStones-CS3.fla (660kb)
from: noEmotion source file: 2muchEmotion_fl8.fla / 2muchEmotion_CS3.fla
Inspired by an unknown short film at this event flash source: noEmotion_fl8.fla (52KB)
address unknown
from: [e]mailart [ first editions ] + cogignition + comment #11349 + GhouLs source files: emailartstamps-CS3.fla or emailartstamps-fl8.fla (flash 8 version)
spring cleaning
[remixworxflash url=”https://crissxross.net/remixworx/remixblogspring-5.swf 598 180 from: maschinenmensch flash source: remixblogspring-CS3.fla (205kb) or remixblogspring-fla8.fla (Flash 8 version) you’ll also need TweenMax (see comment)
rawLorem Ipsum
[remixworxflash url=”https://crissxross.net/remixworx/rawLoremIP.swf 300 700 from rawVamp + loremipsum2 + The NPAC/OLDA Visible Human Viewer + (!) + ode to XL5 + section 1.10.32 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum”, written by Cicero in 45 BC, translated by H. Rackham in 1914, from Lorem Ipsum source: rawLoremIP_CS3.fla (1.3mb)