Tag: concrete
end of correspondence (itinerAnt mix)
from end of correspondence flash source: itinerAnt_fl8 (62KB)
dripping irony
end of correspondence
train of thought
from: noEmotion fla source: thought.fla
from: return of the snide + oh ho flash source: sniddlers_fl8.fla (62kb)
return of the snide
from: what animal is this + oh ho [ thanks to Ross Priddle for the impetus ]
i have been eating vispoetry
from vispoet + Mark Strand – “There is no happiness like mine. I have been eating poetry.” flash source: vispoetloop.fla (53KB)
from: comment-6941 + what animal is this?
spent some time trying to …
think out of the box 4 example that is: ie [tags]concrete poetry, vispo, rebus[/tags]