flags of the revolution

from sonatasway <- violin sonata + hold sway + randomrail
+ Art magazine 1951 (series 2), still from Man With A Movie Camera (Vertov, 1929), Icarus (Matisse, 1947), Les Points (Picabia, 1949)

flash source: flagsoftherevolution.fla [653KB]





13 responses to “flags of the revolution”

  1. crissxross avatar

    brilliant, comrade!


    (and now i’m going to find out how you got it to start with with the sound off! i can’t tell you how long i fiddled with the code to achieve that on sonatasway, but i just couldn’t figure it out)


  2. crissxross avatar

    brilliant, comrade!


    (and now i’m going to find out how you got it to start with with the sound off! i can’t tell you how long i fiddled with the code to achieve that on sonatasway, but i just couldn’t figure it out)


  3. crissxross avatar

    done it!

    long live the revolution with the sound off! …or on if you want


  4. crissxross avatar

    done it!

    long live the revolution with the sound off! …or on if you want


  5. babel avatar

    aha, yes, I tend to set up a variable (musicon=0) then check that this =1 before playing a sound. Probably not the neatest method, but hey. Actually I liked the way you had added the sounds here, I’d never seen that before… one of the great things about sharing these source files is discovering all these alternative methods!

  6. babel avatar

    aha, yes, I tend to set up a variable (musicon=0) then check that this =1 before playing a sound. Probably not the neatest method, but hey. Actually I liked the way you had added the sounds here, I’d never seen that before… one of the great things about sharing these source files is discovering all these alternative methods!

  7. crissxross avatar

    alternative methods! yes, there are so very many ways to skin a flash cat!

    i’d love to take credit for the way i added the sounds, but the truth is it all came from simon mills’s view from nowhere… and i think he thanks someone else, so…

    it’s wonderful how it all goes on and on… mutating

  8. crissxross avatar

    alternative methods! yes, there are so very many ways to skin a flash cat!

    i’d love to take credit for the way i added the sounds, but the truth is it all came from simon mills’s view from nowhere… and i think he thanks someone else, so…

    it’s wonderful how it all goes on and on… mutating

  9. runran avatar

    this brings to mind napier’s flags

    alliances seem formed dizzyingly fast these days

    i first viewed this remix sitting on a plastic chair with my laptop in a carport outside my room at the cherry tree motel, a past-prime terraced garden affair, the rooms had no phones but a wireless connection

    i was reading about jihad and apocalypse


  10. babel avatar

    like those net flags a lot, hadn’t seen them before

    another flag project – metamorphoses

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