unwritten text


Digiman visits a necropolis high above the Misty Hills. His fingers hover tentatively over a stone book. Time stands still. He muses on his unwritten texts. Orpheus, his butterfly companion, balances patiently on his writing hand.

from: X.0.1, misty hills

[tags]digital writing[/tags]





30 responses to “unwritten text”

  1. carmen avatar

    digiman under dandelion tree. dandelion molecules stand still in necropolis air.
    dandelion stone , dandelion body, dandelion Time.

    orpheus – butterfly

  2. carmen avatar

    digiman under dandelion tree. dandelion molecules stand still in necropolis air.
    dandelion stone , dandelion body, dandelion Time.

    orpheus – butterfly

  3. carmen avatar

    beautiful, runran…

  4. carmen avatar

    beautiful, runran…

  5. runran avatar

    The flower matures into a globe of fine filaments that are usually distributed by wind, carrying away the seed-containing achenes. This globe (receptacle) is called the “dandelion clock”, and blowing it apart is a popular pastime for children. In German it’s called a Pusteblume, translated as “blow flower”. The number of blows required to completely rid the clock of its seeds is deemed to be the time of day.”

    delivers a line
    from: YOXYT

    on the front lines
    from: new media wars (comment) and x

    between the lines
    from: porno italiano (comment)

    head of the lines
    from: _thing, and The Cathedral: whitepaper

    end of the lines
    from: I/O

  6. runran avatar

    The flower matures into a globe of fine filaments that are usually distributed by wind, carrying away the seed-containing achenes. This globe (receptacle) is called the “dandelion clock”, and blowing it apart is a popular pastime for children. In German it’s called a Pusteblume, translated as “blow flower”. The number of blows required to completely rid the clock of its seeds is deemed to be the time of day.”

    delivers a line
    from: YOXYT

    on the front lines
    from: new media wars (comment) and x

    between the lines
    from: porno italiano (comment)

    head of the lines
    from: _thing, and The Cathedral: whitepaper

    end of the lines
    from: I/O

  7. runran avatar

    Orpheus speeds ahead to the Metropolis – a spoonful of truth.

  8. runran avatar

    Orpheus speeds ahead to the Metropolis – a spoonful of truth.

  9. crissXross avatar

    i never saw a flutterby so straight
    how does Orpheus do it?
    feint ruled perhaps
    he’s learnt his lesson
    no twists and turns for him
    although he’ll send us on a merry dance

    beware the Maenads
    he’ll lose his head
    like thingy’s lost hers

  10. crissXross avatar

    i never saw a flutterby so straight
    how does Orpheus do it?
    feint ruled perhaps
    he’s learnt his lesson
    no twists and turns for him
    although he’ll send us on a merry dance

    beware the Maenads
    he’ll lose his head
    like thingy’s lost hers

  11. runran avatar

    truly tralala


    ps: gimmethatfla

  12. runran avatar

    truly tralala


    ps: gimmethatfla

  13. carmen avatar

    “dandelion is a flower”
    “clock flower”.
    flower translated
    waltz witman ‘s filaments, friends

    mammoth beauty

  14. carmen avatar

    “dandelion is a flower”
    “clock flower”.
    flower translated
    waltz witman ‘s filaments, friends

    mammoth beauty

  15. crissxross avatar

    flutterbrain forgot…

    source: flutterby.fla

  16. crissxross avatar

    flutterbrain forgot…

    source: flutterby.fla

  17. […] from an unwritten text comment for remix_runran […]

  18. […] from an unwritten text comment for remix_runran […]

  19. runran avatar

    digiman discovers archives

    Digiman discovers an ancient archives of vispo, but can’t hold the portal open long. He scans the work of an old codeman, but the portal collapses on the texts. Remix references: X.0.1 + Ask that whatever can be is this curiosity of life + looking for orpheus + anthrax abbreviator.

  20. runran avatar

    digiman discovers archives

    Digiman discovers an ancient archives of vispo, but can’t hold the portal open long. He scans the work of an old codeman, but the portal collapses on the texts. Remix references: X.0.1 + Ask that whatever can be is this curiosity of life + looking for orpheus + anthrax abbreviator.

  21. […] from: unwritten text + for Kurt (1922 – 2007) […]

  22. […] from: unwritten text + for Kurt (1922 – 2007) […]

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  25. […] from: Ask that whatever can be is this curiosity of life + unwritten text […]

  26. […] from: Ask that whatever can be is this curiosity of life + unwritten text […]

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